
What is Plantable paper? It is also known as seed paper (seedable paper), which is primarily made by adding seeds to the papermaking process, creating a paper that will germinate when placed in soil and watered for about a week at a certain temperature and humidity.

For seed paper manufacturers, our priority is to ensure that the seeds on the seed paper actually germinate. This is why we are particularly well suited for conventional printing and printing with biodegradable inks. This is because printing on seed paper with a regular printer or laser printer can damage the seeds and stop them from germinating. Our printers leave enough room for the seeds and our inks are completely biodegradable.

Paper cards made with seed paper do not create any waste. This is perfectly in line with the concept of a circular economy! In the circular economy, we make sure that all our products are environmentally friendly and sustainable. Make business cards, promotional gifts, flyers, calendars, greeting cards, creative cards or anything else that uses paper with seed paper to make them more sustainable. Make the earth more beautiful by using flowers instead of waste paper!